What other services does CraftJack offer?

While you may have come to CraftJack for our qualified and verified leads, we offer so much more. Our goal is to see your business succeed, and we’re providing the tools needed for you to do so.

Lead Manager is our proprietary tool you have complete access to when signing up for CraftJack. No additional fees to use this system to track your lead status, request reviews, and connect with CraftJack, all in one place. 

This was made even easier with the introduction of the CraftJack Pro app, which gives you the ability to access the great features of Lead Manager from the palm of your hand, wherever you are. The Pro app lets you connect with homeowners, manage your reviews, and more. Be sure to download the app on your iOS or Android device.

CraftJack’s team is constantly looking for ways to improve your service with us. You may see surveys go out or a small pop-up on one of our websites asking for your feedback. We’re eager to learn what you think and what we can do to make your business a success. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, please reach out to us at support@craftjack.com.

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