How does CraftJack's call tracking work?

By using call tracking, you can ensure you’re making the most of your CraftJack membership. When you sign up to receive leads from CraftJack, you’ll be notified in many ways such as:

  • Email
  • Text Message
  • Phone Call
  • And CraftJack Pro app Notification, if you’ve chosen to download our app.

With each lead you receive, you’ll receive the same 10 digit phone number, but with a different pin. By using the call tracking feature, you’ll instantly update your account with a record of your call. This helps you manage your leads directly, all in one place. 

If you’re a CraftJack Pro app user, it’s even easier to use call tracking. Simply press “call” through the app to contact the homeowner, no PIN number needed.

How does call tracking help?

In order to take advantage of the Speed-To-Call discount, you must use the CraftJack call tracking system. This ensures that we can give you a discount on any lead contacted within 30 minutes or less.

In addition, your account manager is able to provide better support to you and troubleshoot when issues arise. If you are ever unable to contact a lead, we need to be able to see your call log. We can’t issue credits or help without the transparency of call tracking. We advise pros not to call a homeowner outside of the call tracking system, so we can best assist you.

If at any time, your phone number does not prompt you to put in a unique PIN number, please pause your account and contact your account manager immediately by calling (866) 332-7134 or email at 

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